Profile of the Owners |
A thorough professional in Real Estate, he is the Founder Member and Past President of Chennai Real Estate Agents Association (CREAA), Past President of National Association of Realtors India (NAR-INDIA) and presently, Advisory Council Member of NAR-INDIA.
7 years of managerial experience in the Middle East in the construction industry has helped him gain valuable experience and insights into this domain. Ravoof has completed several accreditation courses in Real Estate like “Real Estate Membership Entrance Test” (RE-MET), “Marketing Real Estate for Profit” (MREP), “Realtors Education Programme”(REP), “Trans National Referal Course” (TRC),etc. jointly conducted by International Real Property Foundation (IRPF), United States Agency for International Development(USAID). He is in the real estate profession since 1993. |
Holding an MBA degree in Marketing, Ahmed joined his father in January 2013 to realize a common ambition of developing the company into a pan-India presence and make Green Global Realty a much needed destination for Corporate, HNI’s and MNC’s. |
Mission Statement |
Green Global Realty will strive to meet its targets month on month and year on year thereby building on the broad-base of realty experience. |
Green Global Realty will gain the trust of all its clients by showing patience of understanding of their individual needs and work towards complete client satisfaction. |
Green Global Realty will not show any discrimination between clients and their customised needs, based on the business opportunity or volume. |
Every employee of Green Global Realty will endeavour to meet the clients’ expectations and will attune their services to the benefit of every individual. |
Employees of Green Global Realty will regard and recognize every business opportunity as a relationship platform that needs to be built upon, day after day, in the quest for an environment that is truly Customer Friendly. |
Vision Statement |
To make Green Global Realty a household name in the Realty sector in South India and progressively Pan-India. |
To establish a Company where Trust, Quality, Understanding and Value for the Investor will be the cornerstones of the business mantra. |
To constantly endeavour to promote value added services to the Investor the mark Green Global Realty from the rest of the fraternity. |
To put into practice business ethics of the highest order where earning trust of Clients, Employees and Vendors are given utmost priority in the longer interests of the Company. |
To seek to include the immediate community in our successes and to be protective of the rights and sentiments of the individuals that we associate with. |